Tuesday, March 14, 2023



Our goal is to learn how to feed our bodies, regenerate the environment and nourish our spirits. All programs are open to the public and held at South Church, 343 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY. 

Roots & Wings CSA - a partnership with Deep Roots, an organic farm near Hudson, NY. Learn more & signup

18 weeks of farm-fresh produce / June 22- October 19
Pick ups are Sunday mornings, in the parking lot behind South Church, 8:30 - 10 am. Extras available for non members, too.  (Although the season has begun, you can still sign up on a prorated basis.)


Wild Edibles Workshops at
South's Campus with Greg Rosen. Next one: July 15. More info & signup


Garden with us! - The Kitchen Garden, The Labyrinth Garden, The Manse Garden - learn more here


Roots and Wings is a natural outgrowth of South Church’s ministry of welcome. The congregation’s mission statement is “None of the lines which divide us outside of these walls apply.” They’ve embodied this in the past by welcoming homed and homeless, gay and straight, rich and poor, members and non-members. Roots and Wings broadens this further by beginning to erase lines between those who find God within the walls of the church and those find her in the garden. 


Roots and Wings receives support from the Vision 2020 Fund of the Hudson River Presbytery. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Foraging workshops with Greg Rosen

Hello Foragers! Join us on July 15 (Mon) 5:30-7:00pm in learning the basics of foraging for plants. We'll harvest, inspect, wash and then nibble. All ages are welcome. Children under 18 need to be accompanied by a participating adult. Unfortunately not appropriate for dogs and other pets. Maximum of 20 participants. Groups welcome.

Please sign up here

Meet in front of South Presbyterian Church (343 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522).

Suggested donation of $15 per person. Please bring exact cash or personal check (made out to: South Presbyterian Church). No one is turned away for lack of funds. Rain dates to be announced if weather does not cooperate.

Please send any questions, comments, or concerns to Greg Rosen: forestfolk.ny@gmail.com

Greg is owner of Forest Folk and member of Roots & Wings steering committee. He gained his Permaculture Design Certification at the Panya Project, a sustainable living education center in Northern Thailand, and has led foraging tours for Hastings-on-Hudson Parks & Rec, Dobbs Ferry Girl Scouts, Queens Botanical Garden, Wayfinders on the Hudson, Groundwork Hudson Valley, and Forest Folk. 

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Shiitake Mushroom Growing Workshop - July 14 @5 pm

Learn to grow shiitake mushrooms in your own backyard with wild edibles expert Greg Rosen on Thursday, July 14, 5 - 7:30 pm.  

The hands-on workshop takes place in the Manse Garden, Roots & Wings new permaculture-teaching space. Participants will learn the process of cultivating shiitake mushrooms—from tree cutting and drilling logs to inserting spawn plugs, hammering, and coating. Each person will take home an inoculated log that will (hopefully) produce a small crop of organic shiitake mushrooms.


RAIN DATE Friday July 15, 5 - 7:30
Participation is donation based and limited to 12 people. Any minors must be accompanied by adults.

The process:
  1. Use a handsaw to cut down an invasive Norway Maple tree and make 4 logs, each about 3' long and 4" diameter wide.  
  2. Use an electric hand drill to drill holes 1.25" deep and 5-6" apart in a diamond pattern.
  3. Use a hammer to lightly pound in shiitake mushroom spawn plugs.
  4. Use Dave's custom-built fire pit to build a small fire.
  5. Melt soy wax in an old glass jar placed in a titanium camping pot filled halfway with water and placed in the fire. 
  6. Use an old toothbrush to coat the plugs with the melted wax.
  7. Lean the logs against a tree in the shade.  

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Compost Conversation on April 21

A roundtable discussion with experienced composters including Susan DeGeorge, a backyard composter, Els van den Bosch, a participant in Roots & Wings’ community composting, and Sophia Macaluso of Hudson Compost Services, a new curbside food scraps pickup biz. 

There will be plenty of time for Q&A so you leave empowered to keep your food scraps out of the landfill and return nutrients to the soil.   

Arrive at 6:45 behind South Church for a demo of Roots & Wings 3-bin system that's used by dozens of people including members of Roots & Wings CSA. Bring (a small amount of) food scraps and see what happens next!

This roundtable is sponsored by Sustainable Dobbs and Hudson Compost Services. Rumor has it that Kathy Dean is baking some yummy bread! Questions? You can reach Roots & Wings at info@RivertownsCommunityGardens.

Monday, February 1, 2021

We're celebrating 10 years!!

Roots & Wings celebrates 10 years in 2021~ ! We celebrate our Kitchen Garden - a group that gardens together each Saturday morning and donates hundreds of pounds of fresh produce to the Dobbs Ferry Food Pantry each summer, our active CSA with FABLE: From Farm to Table, and our labyrinth now reconceived as a spiral of healing herbs. 

Over the years we have hosted film series and book groups, roundtable discussions with local farmers and suburban chicken owners and bee keepers, Rivertowns Permaculture - a certification class, bread and soap and sauce making classes, gardening and composting workshops, potlucks, presentations by a Native elder, a local young woman who walks to draw attention to environmental issues, gardeners who are creating stops on the pollinator pathway and so much more. 

Our vision is to live more sustainable and full lives through connection with one another and the earth. 


  • CSA outreach
  • Social media 
  • Programming (organizing workshops, garden tours, films ... )
  • Food coop envisioning
  • Herbal gardening / creating remedies

Sign up for our emails, follow us on Instagram and Facebook, or send us a note: info@RivertownsCommunityGardens.com

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Thank you for your interest!

Thank you to all who tuned in to Gabriela Munoz' presentation Fire Cider, Fungi, Fruits & Ferments. We apologize for the technical difficulties ...

Below are some of the recipes and resources shared that evening.